Ошибка Белый экран при запуске

  • Автор темы Автор темы RickDick
  • Дата начала Дата начала


1 Дек 2021
Здравствуйте, такая проблема, при запуске Cristalix, запускается белый фон, ждал достаточно долго и всё равно так. При нажатие выходит ошибка (не отвечает) и просит закрыть программу.
возможно ошибка происходит из-за недостатка выделенной памяти игре, попробуйте выделить больше памяти в настройках лаунчера, и возможно включить режим отладкиupload_2021-12-3_20-21-7.webp
возможно ошибка происходит из-за недостатка выделенной памяти игре, попробуйте выделить больше памяти в настройках лаунчера, и возможно включить режим отладкиПосмотреть вложение 175996
Выделил максимальную память и выбрал режим откладки, но всё равно белый экран.
Так же теперь выдался какая-то ошибка
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Loading settings file
[0m[34m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Using launcher.c7x.dev (Bound to as socket server
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Starting client and WatchService
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Verifying ClientLauncher sign and classpath
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Args: [--username, RickDick, --uuid, fab149be52b511ecacca1cb72caa35fd, --accessToken, censored, --userType, mojang, --userProperties, {}, --assetIndex, 1.12.2, --version, 1.12.2, --gameDir, C:\Users\User\.cristalix\updates\Minigames, --assetsDir, C:\Users\User\.cristalix\updates\asset1.12.2, --resourcePackDir, C:\Users\User\.cristalix\updates\Minigames\resourcepacks]
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Used heap: 25 MiB
[22:03:55] [Client Background Worker #1/INFO]: Loading LWJGL took 1513ms
[22:03:56] [Client Background Worker #1/INFO]: IntegerCache population took 164ms
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Patched AuthenticationService created: ''
[22:03:59] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: RickDick
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected file with resources: file:/C:/Users/User/.cristalix/updates/Minigames/libraries/core-mod.jar
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/core/lang/en_US.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/core/lang/ru_RU.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected file with resources: file:/C:/Users/User/.cristalix/updates/Minigames/libraries/font-assets.jar
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/core_font_mod/lang/en_US.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/core_font_mod/lang/ru_RU.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/core_font_mod/lang/uk_UA.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/keybinds/lang/ru_RU.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/keybinds/lang/en_US.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected file with resources: file:/C:/Users/User/.cristalix/updates/Minigames/libraries/mcassets.jar
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected file with resources: file:/C:/Users/User/.cristalix/updates/Minigames/libraries/p13n-assets.jar
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/p13n/lang/en_US.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/p13n/lang/ru_RU.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Assets scan took 524ms
[22:04:01] [Client thread/INFO]: Loading RPC library
[22:04:03] [Client thread/INFO]: Discord initialize
[22:04:04] [Client thread/INFO]: Discord RPC initialization took 2958ms
[22:04:06] [Client Background Worker #0/INFO]: Bootstrapping took 12673ms
[22:04:07] [Client thread/WARN]: Skipping bad option: lastServer:
[22:04:07] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.4
[22:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] VboRegions not supported, missing: OpenGL 1.3, ARB_copy_buffer
[22:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
[22:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode),
[22:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] OpenGL Fancy fog: Not available (GL_NV_fog_distance)
[22:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] OpenGL Occlussion culling: Not available (GL_ARB_occlusion_query)
[22:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: Injecting 4 mod resources
[22:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: core-mod.jar, font-assets.jar, p13n-assets.jar, assets-addon, Default
[22:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: Current language: ru_ru
[22:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: Injecting locale for: ru_ru
Exception in thread "Allocation Rate Thread" [22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: sun.management.MemoryImpl.getMemoryUsage0(Z)Ljava/lang/management/MemoryUsage;
[22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at sun.management.MemoryImpl.getMemoryUsage0(Native Method)
[22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at sun.management.MemoryImpl.getHeapMemoryUsage(MemoryImpl.java:71)
[22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at dev.xdark.feder.management.AllocationRate.usedHeap(AllocationRate.java:112)
[22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at dev.xdark.feder.management.AllocationRate.run(AllocationRate.java:45)
[22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[22:04:36] [Client thread/ERROR]: Error setting VSync to false
org.lwjgl.opengl.OpenGLException: Invalid value (1281)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Util.checkGLError(Util.java:59) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsContextImplementation.setSwapInterval(WindowsContextImplementation.java:113) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at org.lwjgl.opengl.ContextGL.setSwapInterval(ContextGL.java:232) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at org.lwjgl.opengl.DrawableGL.setSwapInterval(DrawableGL.java:86) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.setSwapInterval(Display.java:1129) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.setVSyncEnabled(Display.java:1142) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at sE.b(SourceFile:549) [minecraft.jar:?]
at sE.t(SourceFile:535) [minecraft.jar:?]
at sE.a(SourceFile:345) [minecraft.jar:?]
at dev.xdark.protect4j.VM.execute(Unknown Source) [minecraft.jar:?]
at wT.run(SourceFile) [minecraft.jar:?]
at io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30) [netty-common-4.1.65.Final.jar:4.1.65.Final]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0-internal]
[22:04:36] [Client thread/INFO]: Entity data injection took 211ms
[22:04:36] [Client thread/INFO]: Material injection took 0ms
[22:04:36] [Client thread/INFO]: Vertex formats injection took 3ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: ClickType injection took 50ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: *Event$Action injection took 26ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: TextFormatting injection took 1ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: EnumFacing injection took 0ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Rotation injection took 10ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Hands injection took 10ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: EntityEquipment injection took 0ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: PlayerModelPart injection took 0ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: GameType injection took 11ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: ParticleType injection took 30ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Profile injection took 37ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Blocks injection took 33ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: BlockRenderType injection took 11ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Mirror injection took 16ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: BlockFaceShape injection took 24ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: OffsetType injection took 9ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: PushReaction injection took 0ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Items injection took 6ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Rarity injection took 1ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: TooltipFlag injection took 18ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: EnumAction injection took 8ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: CreativeTab injection took 1ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: ToolMaterial injection took 1ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: DataSerializers injection took 5ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: TransformType injection took 11ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Sound injection took 40ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: ActionResult injection took 9ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Bus injection took 383ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: BlockRenderLayer injection took 0ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Biome injection took 7ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Attribute injection took 3ms
[22:04:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Protocol injection took 1270ms
[22:04:39] [Client thread/INFO]: SoundType injection took 1ms
[22:04:39] [Client thread/INFO]: RayTrace injection took 7ms
[22:04:39] [Client thread/INFO]: AmbientOcclusion injection took 756ms
[22:04:40] [Client thread/INFO]: Starting Watchdog monitor, timeout is: 90000ms/90s
[22:04:40] [Client thread/INFO]: Watchdog init took 114ms
-- System Details --

Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java Version: 1.8.0-lachrocks, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode),
Memory: 80676480 bytes (76 MB) / 167772160 bytes (160 MB) up to 2952790016 bytes (2816 MB)
JVM Flags: 0 total;
Display Driver: igdumd64
VboRegions not supported, missing: OpenGL 1.3, ARB_copy_buffer
Using GL 1.3 multitexturing.
Using GL 1.3 texture combiners.
Not using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 1.4 is supported, EXT_blend_func_separate is supported, OpenGL 3.0 is not supported, ARB_framebuffer_object is not supported, and EXT_framebuffer_object is not supported.
Shaders are not available because OpenGL 2.1 is not supported, ARB_shader_objects is not supported, ARB_vertex_shader is not supported, and ARB_fragment_shader is not supported.
VBOs are available because ARB_vertex_buffer_object is supported.

[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Has Unsafe: true
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Direct buffers preferred: false
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Byte order: LITTLE_ENDIAN
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Display adapter: igdumd64
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Display version:
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Display pixel scale factor : 1.0
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: PBuffer capabilities: 1
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Timer resolution: 1000
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000000000000, pid=10572, tid=0x00000000000022d8
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0) (build 1.8.0-internal-hardenedjdk_2019_10_16_13_15-b00)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.71-b00 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C 0x0000000000000000
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# C:\Users\User\.cristalix\updates\Minigames\hs_err_pid10572.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Выделил максимальную память и выбрал режим откладки, но всё равно белый экран.
Так же теперь выдался какая-то ошибка
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Loading settings file
[0m[34m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Using launcher.c7x.dev (Bound to as socket server
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Starting client and WatchService
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Verifying ClientLauncher sign and classpath
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Args: [--username, RickDick, --uuid, fab149be52b511ecacca1cb72caa35fd, --accessToken, censored, --userType, mojang, --userProperties, {}, --assetIndex, 1.12.2, --version, 1.12.2, --gameDir, C:\Users\User\.cristalix\updates\Minigames, --assetsDir, C:\Users\User\.cristalix\updates\asset1.12.2, --resourcePackDir, C:\Users\User\.cristalix\updates\Minigames\resourcepacks]
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Used heap: 25 MiB
[22:03:55] [Client Background Worker #1/INFO]: Loading LWJGL took 1513ms
[22:03:56] [Client Background Worker #1/INFO]: IntegerCache population took 164ms
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Patched AuthenticationService created: ''
[22:03:59] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: RickDick
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected file with resources: file:/C:/Users/User/.cristalix/updates/Minigames/libraries/core-mod.jar
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/core/lang/en_US.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/core/lang/ru_RU.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected file with resources: file:/C:/Users/User/.cristalix/updates/Minigames/libraries/font-assets.jar
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/core_font_mod/lang/en_US.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/core_font_mod/lang/ru_RU.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/core_font_mod/lang/uk_UA.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/keybinds/lang/ru_RU.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/keybinds/lang/en_US.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected file with resources: file:/C:/Users/User/.cristalix/updates/Minigames/libraries/mcassets.jar
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected file with resources: file:/C:/Users/User/.cristalix/updates/Minigames/libraries/p13n-assets.jar
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/p13n/lang/en_US.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Detected language file: assets/p13n/lang/ru_RU.lang
[22:04:00] [Client thread/INFO]: Assets scan took 524ms
[22:04:01] [Client thread/INFO]: Loading RPC library
[22:04:03] [Client thread/INFO]: Discord initialize
[22:04:04] [Client thread/INFO]: Discord RPC initialization took 2958ms
[22:04:06] [Client Background Worker #0/INFO]: Bootstrapping took 12673ms
[22:04:07] [Client thread/WARN]: Skipping bad option: lastServer:
[22:04:07] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.4
[22:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] VboRegions not supported, missing: OpenGL 1.3, ARB_copy_buffer
[22:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] OS: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
[22:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode),
[22:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] OpenGL Fancy fog: Not available (GL_NV_fog_distance)
[22:04:26] [Client thread/INFO]: [OptiFine] OpenGL Occlussion culling: Not available (GL_ARB_occlusion_query)
[22:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: Injecting 4 mod resources
[22:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: core-mod.jar, font-assets.jar, p13n-assets.jar, assets-addon, Default
[22:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: Current language: ru_ru
[22:04:29] [Client thread/INFO]: Injecting locale for: ru_ru
Exception in thread "Allocation Rate Thread" [22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: sun.management.MemoryImpl.getMemoryUsage0(Z)Ljava/lang/management/MemoryUsage;
[22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at sun.management.MemoryImpl.getMemoryUsage0(Native Method)
[22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at sun.management.MemoryImpl.getHeapMemoryUsage(MemoryImpl.java:71)
[22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at dev.xdark.feder.management.AllocationRate.usedHeap(AllocationRate.java:112)
[22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at dev.xdark.feder.management.AllocationRate.run(AllocationRate.java:45)
[22:04:35] [Allocation Rate Thread/INFO]: [STDERR]: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
[22:04:36] [Client thread/ERROR]: Error setting VSync to false
org.lwjgl.opengl.OpenGLException: Invalid value (1281)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Util.checkGLError(Util.java:59) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsContextImplementation.setSwapInterval(WindowsContextImplementation.java:113) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at org.lwjgl.opengl.ContextGL.setSwapInterval(ContextGL.java:232) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at org.lwjgl.opengl.DrawableGL.setSwapInterval(DrawableGL.java:86) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.setSwapInterval(Display.java:1129) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.setVSyncEnabled(Display.java:1142) ~[lwjgl.jar:?]
at sE.b(SourceFile:549) [minecraft.jar:?]
at sE.t(SourceFile:535) [minecraft.jar:?]
at sE.a(SourceFile:345) [minecraft.jar:?]
at dev.xdark.protect4j.VM.execute(Unknown Source) [minecraft.jar:?]
at wT.run(SourceFile) [minecraft.jar:?]
at io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocalRunnable.run(FastThreadLocalRunnable.java:30) [netty-common-4.1.65.Final.jar:4.1.65.Final]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:1.8.0-internal]
[22:04:36] [Client thread/INFO]: Entity data injection took 211ms
[22:04:36] [Client thread/INFO]: Material injection took 0ms
[22:04:36] [Client thread/INFO]: Vertex formats injection took 3ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: ClickType injection took 50ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: *Event$Action injection took 26ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: TextFormatting injection took 1ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: EnumFacing injection took 0ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Rotation injection took 10ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Hands injection took 10ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: EntityEquipment injection took 0ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: PlayerModelPart injection took 0ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: GameType injection took 11ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: ParticleType injection took 30ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Profile injection took 37ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Blocks injection took 33ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: BlockRenderType injection took 11ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Mirror injection took 16ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: BlockFaceShape injection took 24ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: OffsetType injection took 9ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: PushReaction injection took 0ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Items injection took 6ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Rarity injection took 1ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: TooltipFlag injection took 18ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: EnumAction injection took 8ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: CreativeTab injection took 1ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: ToolMaterial injection took 1ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: DataSerializers injection took 5ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: TransformType injection took 11ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Sound injection took 40ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: ActionResult injection took 9ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Bus injection took 383ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: BlockRenderLayer injection took 0ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Biome injection took 7ms
[22:04:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Attribute injection took 3ms
[22:04:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Protocol injection took 1270ms
[22:04:39] [Client thread/INFO]: SoundType injection took 1ms
[22:04:39] [Client thread/INFO]: RayTrace injection took 7ms
[22:04:39] [Client thread/INFO]: AmbientOcclusion injection took 756ms
[22:04:40] [Client thread/INFO]: Starting Watchdog monitor, timeout is: 90000ms/90s
[22:04:40] [Client thread/INFO]: Watchdog init took 114ms
-- System Details --

Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java Version: 1.8.0-lachrocks, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode),
Memory: 80676480 bytes (76 MB) / 167772160 bytes (160 MB) up to 2952790016 bytes (2816 MB)
JVM Flags: 0 total;
Display Driver: igdumd64
VboRegions not supported, missing: OpenGL 1.3, ARB_copy_buffer
Using GL 1.3 multitexturing.
Using GL 1.3 texture combiners.
Not using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 1.4 is supported, EXT_blend_func_separate is supported, OpenGL 3.0 is not supported, ARB_framebuffer_object is not supported, and EXT_framebuffer_object is not supported.
Shaders are not available because OpenGL 2.1 is not supported, ARB_shader_objects is not supported, ARB_vertex_shader is not supported, and ARB_fragment_shader is not supported.
VBOs are available because ARB_vertex_buffer_object is supported.

[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Has Unsafe: true
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Direct buffers preferred: false
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Byte order: LITTLE_ENDIAN
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Display adapter: igdumd64
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Display version:
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Display pixel scale factor : 1.0
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: PBuffer capabilities: 1
[22:04:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Timer resolution: 1000
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000000000000, pid=10572, tid=0x00000000000022d8
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0) (build 1.8.0-internal-hardenedjdk_2019_10_16_13_15-b00)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.71-b00 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C 0x0000000000000000
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# C:\Users\User\.cristalix\updates\Minigames\hs_err_pid10572.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Класс, играть в кристу с JDK!!!
JRE ставь
Джава была скачана, даже заново скачал, но всё равно такой белый экран