это я все зделал у меня выскакивает окошко и и в нем вот это внизу написано убить и копировать. правильно?
[main] WARN ru.cristalix.launcher.o0Oooo000 MOJa o3ORoNA RaD0STNII OV0D L0HMaTOG0 HLAMa - No 'stacktrace.app.packages' was configured, this option is highly recommended as it affects stacktrace grouping and display on Sentry. See documentation:
[main] WARN ru.cristalix.launcher.o0Oooo000 MOJa o3ORoNA RaD0STNII OV0D L0HMaTOG0 HLAMa - No 'stacktrace.app.packages' was configured, this option is highly recommended as it affects stacktrace grouping and display on Sentry. See documentation:
No receivers are defined for logger! See docs for info about this!
[0m[34m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Using (Bound to as socket server
[0m[90m[1m LAUNCHER[0m[0m Starting client and WatchService